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Movielist Deluxe - Version
Movielist organizes movies (VHS tapes, DVD's, Video CD's, ect.) and music (CD's, Cassette Tapes, Records, ect.) into a list that can be printed out as a grid or plain text. You can use the wizard to enter media, or edit the list manually. The list can be sorted by any column and then by sub columns. Columns can be added, deleted, or moved. You can do a search and replace for text as well. The default columns are: Tape# (or DVD#, or VCD#, or SVCD#), Movie Title, Episode, Category, Main Actor, Duration, Year, and Comment. Any of the column widths can be adjusted. The text in the column headers may be edited. Search for movies online at www.imdb.com and copy and paste into Movielist.exe. Grid colors, backgrounds, and settings can be customized. You can even store your favorite media files in the cells now!
1. Store photos, videos, or other media files inside the list, or in an external database. Great for storing trailers of movies! (limited to 2GB data size per cell)
2. Easily print out your media list to paper for placing in a movie binder.
3. Export your database to comma delimited text for importation somewhere else.
4. The copy and paste routines are compatible with MS Excel's
   copy and paste (copy cells in Excel and paste them into MovieList).
5. Open pictures or media stored inside cells and view them with your media player.
6. Quick search feature to easily find your media in a snap.
7. Two seperate file formats: One to save all media and cell data into an independent list file. The other to save the media data to a local database, called a dependent list file.
8. Download free updates from within the software using your own unique update code! Updates are free for one full version number upgrade (i.e. version 1.6 to 2.6 inclusive).
Buy Now:
The cost is cheap. Click here to purchase MovieList Deluxe. Or, you may instead donate $8.00 to our paypal account: donate@aswsoftware.com, then send us an email to that same address. Just tell us you would like instructions to download MovieList Deluxe full.
19677 page views since Oct 30, 2004
Page last updated: Oct 26, 2010