MSPlotter (Mandelbrot Set Plotter) helps you create fractal images using the Mandelbrot Set and the Julia Set. Just enter values for Center X, Center Y, Range, and Power of Equation; press the "Plot" button to begin the process of rendering your image, which may be saved in .bmp format. Options let you select image and window colors, specify detail value, and more. MSPlotter can produce some nice-looking fractals while giving you total control of the process. Fractal AVI movies can also be created with the built-in AVI compiler. MSPlotter also serves as a nice picture viewer with the newly added GIF animation reader.
Mandelbrot Set Plotter - Version
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1. AVI movie compiler has been upgraded.
2. AVI Image Creator rendering process now has an auto-save option.
3. GIF pictures can now be opened as well as GIF animations.
4. Fixed a bug with opening pictures.
5. Save AVI progress routine now works correctly.
New Features:
This version is FREE. If you like the program, please donate $5 dollars by clicking here and pressing 'Buy'.
page views since Oct 30, 2004
Page last updated: Fri, Nov 11, 2005