Math Software
- (Mandelbrot Set Plotter) This is a fractal geometry program that plots the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It can create images and movies (AVI format). Currently freeware.
- Remember those math "speed" tests we took in grade school? This software randomly creates and prints those worksheets.
- (Random Dot Matrix generator) Create your own stereograms
(3D images, "Magic Eyes").
Media Software
- Organize your movies and other media into a printable database. Version 1.3 is currently free.
- Need to know what to encode a movie at? This is an MPG bitrate calculator. free.
- Ever wanted to turn your family photos into a slideshow?. Compile all of your favorite images into an AVI. version 1.0 free.
- Converts pictures to a text representation. See what your friends and family look like as a text. version 1.0 free.
- With this tool you can create fascinating art from the hebrew text of the bible.
- With this tool you can create music from the Hebrew text of the Bible.
Miscellaneous Software
- This is a game from the movie 'TRON'. Play against computers or humans. free.
- This is a 2D shoot'em up game patterned after the great Atari ST game DGDB.free.
- This software helps you keep your data safe and secure through password protected encryption.
- Play morse code from text. free.
- A fun little word game that can tell you things about yourself. free.
- The classic tic tac toe game. Includes free C++ source code built in. Also includes a hex to binary to hex converter. free.
56741 page views since Oct 30, 2004
Page last updated: 2013/08/17